Volume 7, Issue 4 (2018)                   JFST 2018, 7(4): 255-261 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghorbani S, Haghighi D, Maghsoodieh Kohan H, Parvaneh Moghadam D, Salavatian S. Effect of Dietary Protein Levels on the Growth and Body Composition of Roach Caspin Sea (Rutilus caspicus) Fingerling. JFST 2018; 7 (4) :255-261
URL: http://jfst.modares.ac.ir/article-6-14928-en.html
1- Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agriculture research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar-e Anzali , Sahebali_ghorbani@yahoo.com
2- Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agriculture research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar-e Anzali
Abstract:   (5964 Views)
This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of dietary protein levels on growth performance and body composition of Caspian Roach (Rutilus caspicus) fingerling. Four experimental diets were formulated to contain protein levels of 30, 35, 40, and 45%. Triplicate groups of 300 Roach (Average weight, 2.65±0.17g) were stocked in 100L-fiberglass tanks (25 fish/tank) and were fed based on 3% of their biomass for 57 days. The results showed that weight gain (WG%), specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR), condition factor (CF) and survival (SR%) were not affected by dietary protein level but the protein efficiency ratio of protein levels containing 30 and 35% CP was significantly higher than other dietary treatments (p<0.05).The body compositions were affected by dietary protein levels. Body protein significantly decreased with increasing dietary protein levels but body lipid increased when protein increased to 40% level. The results of the present study indicated that growth enhancement of fish was not significant when the diets protein levels were increased from 30 to 45%, but fish fed a diet containing 30% CP had greater protein efficiency values when compared to those fed with other diets.
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: fish and shellfish physiology
Received: 2015/04/29 | Published: 2018/12/20

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