Volume 9, Issue 1 (2020)                   JFST 2020, 9(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Rashidi Ebrahim Hesari A, Bazregar N, farjami H. Numerical Simulation of Phosphate’s Diffusion released by Fish Culture Cages Located in the Sisangan Marine Basin in the Southern Caspian Sea. JFST 2020; 9 (1) :1-11
URL: http://jfst.modares.ac.ir/article-6-41676-en.html
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Physics, Tarbiat Modares University , akbar.rashidi@modares.ac.ir
2- Marine Physics Department, Tarbiat Modares University
3- Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences
Abstract:   (3553 Views)
Aims: In the present study, a three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic model with the capability to simulate the diffusion of chemical pollutants released in marine basins was developed and used as a case study to simulate the diffusion of phosphate released by fish culture cages located in the Sisangan marine basin.
Materials & Methods: The equations of the model including momentum equations, continuity of mass equation, temperature, salinity, representative of vertical velocity, the tendency of bottom pressure equations and an extra three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation for simulation of pollutant’s diffusion rewritten in the earth’s spherical coordinates with a vertical Sigma coordinate were solved using finite difference method. To provide the open boundary conditions, the model was used for simulation of wind driven currents in the Caspian Sea from 20 October 2018 to 20 May 2019. For the application of wind field and real geometric condition, it was used the time series of wind fields supplied by ECMWF reanalysis dataset and GEBCO bathymetry with 0.125 degrees resolution and 15 seconds of geographical resolution, respectively.
Findings: Considering the concentration of 17ppb for the phosphate as a concentration of pollutant in the source of the pollution in the location of the fish culture cages, wind induced currents and the diffusion of the phosphate were simulated for 8 months in both horizontal and vertical directions. The results of the simulations were demonstrated and analyzed within the framework of the horizontal surface current, distribution of the phosphate’s concentration in both horizontal and a vertical latitude-depth cross section.
Conclusion: The phosphate’s diffusion is affected by the wind induced currents and after 8 months, it could be extended to the distance of 11, 8.5, 9.5, and 5.7 kilometers far from the cages in eastern, western, southern, and northern directions, respectively. With the generation of vertical velocity and the turbulence effects in the upper layers, phosphate might be diffused in the vertical direction up to 400m depth, as well.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Fisheries Resource Management
Received: 2020/03/29 | Published: 2020/01/1

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