Volume 9, Issue 3 (2020)                   JFST 2020, 9(3): 222-231 | Back to browse issues page

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Bayat N. Comparative Level of Heavy metals and Some Chemical Properties of Different Tissues of Aras Dam Astacus leptoductylus. JFST 2020; 9 (3) :222-231
URL: http://jfst.modares.ac.ir/article-6-47929-en.html
1- Department of Food Science and Technology, Maku Branch, Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (2180 Views)
The aim of this study was to measure the level of Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury in gill, muscle and hepatopancrease tissue of Aras dam Astacus leptoductylus and compare of them concentration in different body tissues. For this purpose, 271 samples of Astacus leptoductylus were randomly collected in Aras dam from December 1 to December 31, 2017 and transferred to the laboratory. After that tissue samples processed for injection in atomic absorption for apparatus for measuring the level of Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury. For measuring the protein, ash and moisture content of the samples AOAC method was conducted. The results showed that Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury were present in the Astacus leptoductylus samples and the highest level of these metals was in the muscle and the lowest in the gills. The highest level of metals existing in Astacus leptoductylus muscle was related to Cadmium (0.338± 79 0.79 ppb), and also Nickel (0.285±0.066 ppb) was in the second rank. The level of Arsenic and Mercury in muscle were ranked third and fourth. However, it was found that the total moisture content of the gills was higher than muscle and hepatopancrease tissue. On the other hand, the results of correlation between metals of different tissues of Astacus leptoductylus showed that the correlation between Cadmium and Nickel was higher than Arsenic and Nickel. The level of total protein and ash in Astacus leptoductylus muscles was higher than other tissues. The present study showed that analyzed Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury level were in the muscle, gill, and hepatopancrease tissue samples of the Aras dam A. leptoductylus in detectable concentrations, and Nickel and Mercury in the samples were lower than the WHO standard. As a result, the levels of metals in the Astacus leptoductylus samples collected from Aras dam were safe and reliable and therefore there is no problem.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Aquatic pollution and waste water management
Received: 2020/11/26 | Published: 2020/09/20

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