1- 1- Seafood Processing Group, Faculty of fisheries and Environment, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources , afshinadeli@yahoo.com
2- 2- Biology Group, Faculty of Biological Science, Varamin- Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University
Abstract: (2538 Views)
Government support for attracting investment in Persian Gulf marine fish farming has provided the grounds for Iran's fisheries development. Sea bass is a valuable species in the global market that, while helping food security and exports, also brings offshore security to the country by farming in marine cages. Production of more than 26,000 tons in the five years leading up to 2019 and its 45% growth in southern Iran promises more success for it. The study reviews Iran's position in the production of Sea bass fish in the southern waters of the country and identifies its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities and threats. Therefore, with self-sufficiency in the supply of fry and inputs, strengthening training and research in the field of marine fish, organizing the internal market and continuous monitoring of the international market, monitoring pollution and its environmental impact assessment and developing the support chain of related industries before and after Will be able to provide sustainable development.
Article number: 8
Article Type:
Analytic Review |
Aquaculture Received: 2021/05/3 | Published: 2022/01/18
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