Sharifpour E, Pourzahedi R, Sepahdari A, Kakoolaki S, Najjar Lashgari S. Monitoring and evaluation of environmental and managerial risk factors in incidence of some specific viral diseases in some Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) propagation and breeding farms in Iran. JFST 2022; 11 (2) : 6
1- Department of Aquatic Animal Health and Diseases, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Tehran, Iran
2- Health and Aquatic Diseases Management Office, Tehran Veterinary Medicine General Office, Iran Veterinary Organization, Tehran, Iran
3- Cold-water Fishes Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (4069 Views)
This study was conducted from April 2017 to June 2018 in a Trout aquaculture farm in Firoozkoh, Tehran province, to distinguish environmental and managerial risk factors affecting incidence of viral diseases in the fish farm under study. Averaged visit from fish farm was 2 times a month and all biosecurity measures were advised and applied during every visit. Some of the physico-chemical parameters were recorded daily. Samples from all cargoes of eyed-eggs imported from abroad and also from larvae after active swimming and absorption of yolk sac were taken for RT-PCR test. Virology, bacteriology, parasitology and mycology tests in the farm and authorized laboratory were done. Clinical observations, macroscopic and microscopic examinations, checking all the sanitarian and productional managerial factors, also checking all the physical and chemical factors affecting the outbreak of viral diseases were done. During clinical observation of fishes, these symptoms were observed; anorexia, gathering at the raceway’s side and outlet, cachexia, one and two side exophthalmia, melanosis, integument ulcers, hemorrhage in ventricular and ocular areas, petechia in ventricular area, fecal casts, high mortality and also presence of a large number of moribund fishes. The result of the laboratory examinations was IHN positive of Rainbow trout fries. This disease caused about 80% mortality of the fries produced from the imported eyed-eggs cargo. The other fatalities with different reasons were also recorded such as; the Lutra’s attack at nights, the farm’s personnel running amongst other farms and transferrin pathogens, the transportation vehicles not being proper disinfected while inter to and exit from the farm and the severe food intoxication of fries. Regarding the results of this study, instruction of scientific and practical models has presented to decrease the effect of environmental and managerial risk factors in the incidence of the disease.
Article number: 6
Article Type:
Original Research |
Aquatic Animal Health & disease Received: 2022/07/19 | Published: 2022/05/31